If you have any safeguarding concerns please email safeguarding@reigatebaptistchurch.org.uk
Click here to find out more about our Safeguarding Statement. Please email Linda Verbeek for the full safeguarding policy.
Where children have fun, feel loved and learn about following Jesus.
Our children join us in church for the start of the worship service then go out to their groups. Please register them for their groups before the service at the Info Desk in our foyer.
If you are new, you will receive a child registration form. If you would like to complete this ahead of time please click here for an online version.
If your child requires any additional support or you have any queries please email:
Samantha Gough at kids@reigatebaptistchurch.org.uk
Laura Cox at kidsassistant@reigatebaptistchurch.org.uk
Did you know we also run Toddlers and Tiddlers groups during the week? For more information click here.
If you have any safeguarding concerns please email safeguarding@reigatebaptistchurch.org.uk
Click here to find out more about our Safeguarding Statement. Please email Linda Verbeek for the full safeguarding policy.