We believe in the power of prayer and that it is not a last resort in times of trouble but the most essential activity we do in life. We have various groups meeting across different platforms. We would love you to join us.
Join us at church on the 1st Sunday of each month for our prayer meeting. It is always a special time together with worship, fellowship and prayer. You are very welcome to join us. Please check our calendar before you come as there may be changes due to events being held on Sunday evenings.
Every day we meet to pray together online. Everyone is welcome and we would love for you to join us, no matter what day of the week.
Each morning, we PRAY: Pause – Rejoice – Ask – Yield. Following the simple, yet practical steps of 24/7 Prayer Lectio – 365. Every day has a different theme/topic, from ministry within our church, issues outside of it and those on a global scale. We believe that the persistent prayers of God’s people change the world.
“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up” Luke 18.1
Details: Click Zoom Link; Meeting ID: 785 6466 3631; Password: RBC
On the 1st Monday of every month, our Men’s ministry – Band of Brothers – meet to pray for the needs of the church, for men in the church and issues that impact our local community and beyond. Please contact the office before you attend as there may be times that it is cancelled.
We have a dedicated team of people who are willing to pray with you at every Sunday service. They all know and value the importance of confidentiality. They love to offer support and encouragement to anyone needing it. On Sundays there are a few members of the team, ready to pray with you, in the corner of the main hall under the Welcome sign. You can also ask a member of the welcome team or the service leader to find a member of the prayer team.
If you need any prayer for yourself or your family during the week, then please email/call one of our Pastoral Team members listed below and they will endeavour to respond within 24 – 48 hours.
Linz Daun – Community & Women’s Pastor (email or telephone 07540 239530)
Jenny Ogwal – Youth Leader and Church Administrator (email or telephone through the office)
Office number is 01737 248258
Alternatively you can click on one of the buttons below to request either prayer or pastoral support. These requests will be received confidentially and only essential information passed on to either a member of the pastoral team or prayer team. You will be contacted directly by someone on the team.